How to Change Your Life

Tucson Personal Training

At the recent conference we attended, the last speaker of the event was Jay Williams of CrossFit Hale. Jay spoke about his journey to lose 100 pounds and how he finally reached his goal of 10% body fat on his 40th birthday. What an accomplishment! We all cheered loudly for him. 

But then he showed us what happened just 6 months later: he had gained back a considerable amount of the weight and over 10% body fat. “What was wrong was that on the way to my goal, I didn’t change my identity. I was still a fat guy.” 

For as much time and energy I have dedicated to researching the topic of goals and the process of achieving them over the years, this was a simple, yet powerful idea that I had not previously considered. But it is a completely necessary step to truly accomplishing and SUSTAINING your goals. 

So how DO you change your life and achieve your goals so that they stick? Check out the article below from our friend Mike Warkentin of CrossFit 204 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  Once you’re done, come see us. We want to hear about your goals.